GAMER Scholarship

GAMER Collaborative Research & Scholarly Papers

GAMER Joint Adventures

Edwards, SL. Zarandi, A; Cosimini, M; Chan, TM. Abudukebier, M; Stiver, M. Analog Serious Games for Medical Education: A Scoping Review. Acad Med. 2024. DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005911 

Edwards SL,  Swamy L, Cosimini M, Watsjold B, Chan TM. Educator's blueprint: A how-to guide for creating analog serious games for learning in medical education. AEM Educ Train 2023:7,e10907

Edwards SL, Gantwerker E, Cosimini M, Christy AL, Kaur AW, Helms AK, Stiver ML Game-Based Learning in Neuroscience: Key Terminology, Literature Survey, and How-To Guide to Create a Serious Game. Neurol Edu .December 2023; 2 (4) .

Cosimini M, Collins J. Card and board game design for medical education: length and complexity considerations. Korean J Med Educ 2023 Sep; 35(3): 291-296.

Cosimini MJ, Watsjold B, Chan TM. Serious Games Without Screens. Comment on "Involvement of End Users in the Development of Serious Games for Health Care Professions Education: Systematic Descriptive Review". JMIR Serious Games. 2022 Feb 9;10(1):e34656. doi: 10.2196/34656.

Watsjold BK, Cosimini M, Mui P, Chan TM. Much ado about gaming: An educator's guide to serious games and gamification in medical education. AEM Educ Train. 2022;6:e10794. doi: 10.1002/aet2.10794

GAMER Solo Adventures

This section is a listing of papers where there is at least ONE member of the GAMER Collaborative. We have filed the papers under the project, rather than the GAMER, but have bolded the GAMER collaborative member in the listings.

Empiric Game


Digital Scholarship:

GridlockED Game


Digital Scholarship:



Reviews and letters